The average weight for a standard curl bar is around 11 pounds while an Olympic curl bar will end up being around 18 pounds, there are also rackable curl bars if you want to purchase one of these bigger types.
Creatine Cycle-Why It Will Hurt Your Results
Learn about creatine cycling: a method to maximize muscle growth and performance. Explore the phases and individualized approach.
Creatine Loading: Fact and Myth
Is creatine loading bad for you, does it make you fat, is it necessary? I will give you advice on how to load for the quickest results.
Creatine Muscle Growth: Myths vs. Facts
Discover the benefits of creatine monohydrate, its side effects, and how it aids muscle growth. Your go-to guide for all things creatine.
Thermogenic Food and Its Role in Weight Management
These 47 natural thermogenic foods combined with a fitness routine will help your body’s metabolism burn fat while preserving muscle to help you lose weight faster.