Everyone knows the importance of warming up before a workout – however, did you know that there are multiple types of warm-ups you can choose from? Dynamic warm-ups are taking the world by storm. But, what are they, and why should you include it in your workout? Let’s take a look.
What is a dynamic warm-up?
A dynamic warm-up is essentially a series of movements or stretches that are performed in a sequence. For this reason, you might have also heard it referred to as dynamic stretching.
Similarly, to other types of warm-ups, dynamic stretches help to increase blood flow and oxygen supply to the muscles. However, instead of doing something more energetic like jogging to warm up, you simply perform multiple stretches and movements, one after the other.
When we think of stretching, the first thing that comes to mind will probably be static stretches. Static stretches are movements that are held for 20 to 30 seconds to stretch out the muscle. This helps to reduce tension in the muscles and thus increases your flexibility.
On the other hand, dynamic stretches are, for want of a better word, more dynamic! Stretches are held for only 2 to 5 seconds at a time, gently easing the muscles into the full range of motion.
This means that you should start with the easiest stretches first, and build up to the higher intensity stretches, focusing on muscle groups as a whole as opposed to one specific muscle at a time. For example, instead of doing a simple lunge, you might add in a torso twist to target both the leg muscles and the obliques.
Each dynamic stretch should follow on from the next in sequence without a rest. As a general rule of thumb, dynamic warm-ups should be performed less than 15 minutes before exercising, and you should aim for it to last around 10 to 20 minutes in total.
Benefit of a dynamic warm-up
The biggest benefit of a dynamic warm-up is that it can significantly reduce the risk of injury during your later workout. In addition to dynamic warm-ups, there are a few other precautions you can take to reduce the risk of getting a sports injury and can be used in conjunction with dynamic stretching for a holistic approach.
Firstly, make sure you are familiar with the equipment you are using. This will ensure there are no preventable accidents caused by misuse of machinery, weights, and so on.
Secondly, reduce the impact of your workout. High impact exercise can jolt the muscles and bones in your body, leading to injury. For example, you might opt for shock absorbing treadmills, or switch to a low-impact adaptation of your usual workout to soften the blow to the body.
You also should consider working on your form and technique. Having poor technique can put unnecessary strain on your body, targeting areas other than the muscles you were aiming to work on. If in doubt, do your exercises in front of a mirror, or ask a trainer or friend for advice on how to improve.
And there you have it – everything you need to know about dynamic warm-ups, and the benefits it can bring to your workouts.
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